Unlawful Search & Seizure Cases
Get a Chicago Civil Rights Lawyer to Fight for You
United States citizens enjoy powerful legal protections under the Bill of Rights, but these rights are often disregarded by police officers. If you have suffered any type of civil rights violation in Chicago, Chicago suburbs, central or northern Illinois, northern Indiana or eastern Wisconsin, contact Foutris Law Office, Ltd. to discuss your rights to compensation.
Many people in your position are not aware that they can file a lawsuit against the police with the goal of getting justice and recovering compensation, but this is exactly what Bill Foutris, a Chicago civil rights attorney, has been doing for decades. He cares personally about vindicating his clients' Constitutional rights and is ready to begin work on your claim.
Search & Seizure: Protect Your Civil Rights in Chicago
The police cannot pat you down, frisk you, perform a cavity search, or search you whenever they want. They also are not allowed to enter your home or car and search it whenever they want. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Illinois Constitution, along with various statutes, place limitations on law enforcement officers when they want to search a person, a house, a car, or any other personal property. When the police conduct an unlawful search, it may lead to a Fourth Amendment unlawful search claim, and it may also lead to a false arrest.
Importantly, even when the police are allowed to search a person, a home, or a car, they must act reasonably. A police officer cannot destroy somebody’s property during a search just because he or she has the legal authority to conduct a search. As such, you may have a claim for unreasonable search even if the police entered your home with a valid warrant. Call Foutris Law Office, Ltd. to learn if you have a valid Fourth Amendment unreasonable search claim!
Contact a Chicago civil rights attorney for a consultation to determine whether you have grounds for legal action over unlawful search and seizure.